Average Cost of a Funeral.
The average cost of a funeral is sometimes difficult to determine, it would be like saying how much is the average cost of a house? The prices vary depending on where the house is located and how big small it is etc. When planning a funeral service, there are differences in many packages, some of the more basic packages only include the basic necessities, whereas some of our more comprehensive packages include items such as memorial cards, fresh floral tributes and beautifully designed caskets.
The biggest difference in price when determining the average cost of a funeral, is whether the funeral service is going to be a burial or a cremation. There are cemeteries located all over Melbourne and Country Victoria, and they are mostly owned by different cemetery trusts and charge different rates.
As a rule, cremations are generally cheaper than burials, and all of our funeral packages include the cremation fee, to make determining the cost of a funeral much easier to calculate.
A cremation service is a cheaper option if you are looking for an affordable funeral.
The average cost of a funeral will take into account:
- Which chapel or church you would like the funeral service to be conducted in?
- Whether it is a cremation, burial or repatriation service.
- Would you prefer a religious service, or a celebrant to conduct a civil funeral service?
- Would you like to offer order of service booklets to your guests?
- Would you like a Rosary or Viewing the night before the funeral service?
When averaging the price of a funeral service in Melbourne, there are various options to consider, so please call us on PH: 93082555 and we can provide you with a personalised quote to suit your needs.
To view more information on our funeral packages, please click here.
We are members of the Association of Independent Funeral Directors.